ColorTEC® Metal Etching Primer+ Activator

ColorTEC® Metal Etching Primer+ Activator


Product Description:

It is a two-component fast air drying rapid based etching primer that can be used on all kinds of metal surfaces (DKP Sheet, Zinc Coating and Galvanized, Aluminum, etc.) in machinery, ship, automotive and heavy metal industry, agricultural tools production. It is a very fast drying, air drying, acidic metal etching primer with high corrosion (rust prevention) resistance and excellent adhesion, suitable for application by brush, airbrush or dipping method.


Product Usage:

2 parts of ColorTEC® Metal Primer filler can be thinned with 1 part (50%) ColorTEC® Metal Primer filler activator and applied in 1-2 single coats with air suction conventional spray gun (1.4 - 1.8 mm nozzle diameter) at 2.9-3.3 bar application pressure. Cellulosic thinner can be added to the mixture to adjust the viscosity if necessary. Drying times vary depending on ambient temperature and humidity. It is ready for sanding within 20-30 minutes. It is not recommended to apply polyester based putties and primers on metal primer. Metal primer activator contains acid and should never be mixed with other products.


  • Head Office / Istanbul Factory: Deri OSB Mah. Nubuk Cad. Ist. Deri OSB Sitesi No:14 Tuzla / ISTANBUL - TÜRKİYE
  • +90 216 591 05 55
  • +90 0216 591 04 10